ISO 16355 Quality Function Deployment Series Expanded

The ISO 16355 series of standards on Quality Function Deployment (QFD) has had a major step forward with the release of the new Parts 2, 4 and 5.  This makes 4 of the planned 8 Parts of this series available now.  All are available from Document Center Inc. in paper format and for pdf download.

The overview document for the series, ISO 16355-1, was released two years ago.  This standard provides the basics on QFD, which is a method to “build in” both customer and stakeholder satisfaction during the development of a new product.  The approach depends on the use of quantitative and non-quantitative tools and methods.  The newly released Parts focus on non-quantitative VOC (Voice of customer) or VOS (voice of stakeholder) data and a solution strategy.  Let’s take a look at each:

ISO 16355-2, 1st Edition, Applications of statistical and related methods to new technology and product development process – Part 2: Non-quantitative approaches for the acquisition of voice of customer and voice of stakeholder

QFD provides an infrastructure to make sure that your product or service satisfies those for whom it is intended.  Part 2 was developed to describe non-quantitative approaches to  VOC and VOS acquisition.   You’ll integrate this with other customer research methods like focus groups, market research, and so on.

This standard provides the management structure required for success.  You’ll find it to be a wealth of information on management and planning tools for this type of analysis.  But Section 9 on “New technology and product development voices” has the most to offer.  It covers most of the material in this 48-page standard.  You’ll find tools for strategic planning and for potential customer and stakeholder identification prioritization, and data collection.

ISO 16355-4, 1st Edition, Applications of statistical and related methods to new technology and product development process – Part 4: Analysis of non-quantitative and quantitative Voice of Customer and Voice of Stakeholder

This 32-page standard covers the analysis of the material you’ve gathered using Part 2’s methodology.  Here you’ll learn how to translate your data into customer needs.  You’ll learn how to prioritize those needs.  And you’ll find help for benchmarking alternative solutions from the customer point of view.

Like Part 2, ISO 16355-4 has a series of tools you can use to achieve these results.  These include the use of the cause-to-effect diagram, the customer voice table, affinity diagrams, and so on.  Like the other parts, a bibliography provides additional resources at the end of the document.

ISO 16355-5, 1st Edition, Applications of statistical and related methods to new technology and product development process – Part 5: Solution strategy

It’s one thing to gather data on a problem, it’s another to come up with a successful solution for it. So Part 5 focuses in on the processed needed to develop a solution strategy for a new product (and by extension, for a product improvement).  It covers both a customer-driven and a technology-driven set of options.  And it contains recommendations on when the various tools are best applied.

This is an extensive look at the problem.  It is 134 pages in length and packed with tools.  These cover such areas as management, QFD options, QFD project types, and how to make the best use of your VOC and VOS information.  It shows you how to use your information in a variety of schemes.  And Section 11 highlights design optimization.  Annex A is devoted to TRIZ, the theory of inventive problem solving. Annex B is a cross-reference between the ISO 16355 series and the JIS Q 9025 standard.  This should clue you into the heavy reliance on tools and theories used by the Japanese with such success since the 1960’s.

Document Center Inc. customers have been interested in quality standards and quality management systems since I took over the business in 1985.  While the ISO 16355 series is not a management system per se, it contains valuable information for use by any organization. The standards in the series could be used in a wide range of areas within your organization. It reminds us that quality and customer satisfaction are (or should be) the basis of almost every aspect of what we do as organizations.

In order to get copies of the new standards, you’ll want to use an authorized distributor like Document Center Inc.  Head to our webstore,, to search for and order standards from our catalog of over 1 million documents.  Here is a link to the order page the 4 ISO 16355 series standards.  If you need more information, just click on the one you’re interested in.

Or go ahead and get in touch with us directly. You can reach us by phone (650-591-7600) or email (  We’ve been working with and selling standards since 1982.  You’ll find our staff knowledgeable and helpful. And we have a wide range of support services geared to organizations just like yours.  Make us your Standards Experts!

Published by

Claudia Bach

Claudia Bach is the President of Document Center Inc. and a world-wide recognized expert on Standards and Standards Distribution. You can connect with her on Google+

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